Wednesday, January 28, 2009

financial times MBA 2009

2009 оны 1 дүгээр сарын 26-ны өдрийн "Financial times" сонин 2009 оны шилдэг ᠌"MBA"-ийн жагсаалт гаргасан байна. Тус жагсаалтын гол шалгуур нь аудит хийгдсэн жил (Хамгийн сүүлд KPMG компаний зүгээс тухайн их сургуульд хийсэн аудит, төгсөгчийн өнөөдөр авч буй цалин, жигнэсэн дундаж цалин (төгсөгч нарын салбар хоорондын цалингийн зөрүүг арилгаж, тохируулсан сүүлийн 3 жилийн цалин), цалингийн нэмэгдэл, авч буй үнэ цэнэ (энэ нь сурч буй оюутны сургалтын хугацаа, сургалтын төлбөр болон бусад зардлууд, мөн ажиллаагүй байх хугацааны алдагдсан боломж/цалин), ажлын байрны ахиц, өөрийн зорилго биелсэн эсэх (сургалтанд хамрагдсаны дараа зорилгоо биелүүлсэн эсэх), эхний 3 сарын дотор ажилд орсон эсэх, г.м. Үүнд:


1. University of Pennsylvania: Wharton (US)
1. London Business School (UK)
3. Harvard Business School (US)
4. Columbia Business School (US)
5. Insead (France/Singapore)
6. Stanford University (US)
6. IE Business School (Spain)
8. Ceibs (China)
9. MIT: Sloan (US)
10. New York University: Stern (US)
11. University of Chicago: Booth (US)
12. Iese Business School (Spain)
13. Darthmouth College: Tuck (US)
14. IMD (Switzerland)
15: Indian School of Business (US)
16. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (China)
17. University of Cambridge: Judge (UK)
18. Esade Business School (Spain)
19. Yale School of Management (US)
20. University of Oxford: Said

Санхүүгийн салбарт хамгийн өндөр цалин:

1. Stanford University GSB
2. Harvard Business School
3. University of Pennsylvania: Wharton
4. Columbia Business School
5. Darthmouth College: Tuck
6. New York University: Stern
7. Northwest University: Kellog
8. London Business School
9. Insead
10. Inidian School of Business


1. London Business School (UK)
2. Insead (France)
3. IE Business School (Spain)
4. Iese Business School (Spain)
5.IMD (Switzerland)
6. University of Cambridge: Judge (UK)
7. Esade Business School (Spain)
8. University of Oxford: Said (UK)
9. Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (Netherlands)
10. Lancaster University Management School (UK)
11. HEC Paris (France)
12. Manchester Business School (UK)
13. Cranfield School of Management (UK)
14. Warwick Business School (UK)
15. SDA Bocconi (Italy)
16. Imperial College Business School (UK)
17. City University: Cass
17. University of Strathclyde Business School (UK)
19. Leeds University Business School (UK)
20. Vlerick University Business School (Belgium)
21. Aston Business School (UK)
22. Durham Business School (UK)
23. Birmingham Business School (UK)
24. University of Bath School of Management (UK)
25. Bradford University School of Management/TiasNimbas Business School(UK, Netherlands, Germany)
25. Grenoble Graduate School of Business (France)
27. Eada (Spain)
28. University of Edinburgh Business School (UK)
29. University of College Dublin: Smurfit (Ireland)
30. Nottingham University Business School (UK)


1. University of Pennsylvania: Wharton
2. University of Rocherster: Simon
3. New York University: Stern
4. Columbia Business School
5. University of Chicago: Booth
6. London Business School
7. Rice University: Jones
8. Hong Hong University of Science and Technology
9. University of Iowa: Tippie
10. SMU: Cox

(other rankings: top salaries in consulting, top salaries in IT, best in general management, best in economics, best in entrepreneurship, best in corporate strategy, best in international business, best in industry, best in marketing, best in corporate social responsibility)

Financial times сонингийн жагсаалтанд багтсан MBA-ийн дундаж сургалтын зардал ойролцоогоор 157,000 ам.доллар, зөвхөн сургалтын зардал нь 100,000 ам. доллар болдог байна. Гэхдээ сургууль төгссөн тохиолдолд зардлаа их амархан нөхдөг, өмнө нь авч байсан цалинг дунджаар 100 хувиар нэмэгдүүлсэн цалинг авдаг байна, өөрөөр хэлбэл сургууль төгсөөд 3 жилийн дараа жилийн 123,000 ам.долларын цалингийн орлого.

source: Financial Times January 26, 2009.


Banks primary activity is to borrow short terms funds and lend long term, the mismatch between the banks short term liabilities (deposits) and its long term assets (loans) can lead to liquidity risk. Liquidity risk or asset and liability mismatch is one of the key factors that contributed to banking and financial crisis in the past. Liquidity risk at one bank can have contagion effect across the banking sector and affect the banking and financial system.

Since 2004 Mongolian banks have been asked to submit maturity mismatch report of assets and liabilities to Mongolbank (Bank of Mongolia) which enables to give an objective assessment of the liquidity risk in commercial banks. To effectively manage Mongolbank also approved regulation on “Calculating and controlling reserve requirements”. (minimum reserve requirements are 5%)

FSAP (Financial sector assessment program) is a joint program by World Bank and IMF to promote the soundness of financial systems in member countries. Mongolia started its participation in FSAP in 2007 and the program recommended to improve liquidity risk management in the commercial banks. Due to deepening financial intermediation and increased role of banks in the economy have resulted in an increase of deposits and decrease in liquid assets, to this end Mongolbank developed and approved “Liquidity management” guideline for banks.

The guideline is based on paper released from Basel Committee on Banking supervision“Sound practices for managing liquidity in Banking organizations”. The guideline provides basic recommendation on how to set up liquidity risk management framework, with quantitative and qualitative targets. Qualitative requirements mainly directed towards how banks should manage liquidity risk tailored specifically for the nature and complexity of each bank’s operations.

As for quantitative requirements the main objective is to fill in the gaps left by qualitative requirements, and also in case of liquidity crisis to take off some of the pressure on central bank which acts as lender of the last resort.

Source: Daily news, 2008.07.31, Bank of Mongolia.

Bank main source of funding is customer deposits and banks normally grant credits with longer maturities. The difference between the asset and liability maturities raises an issue of liquidity management. In spring many banks in Mongolia did not function normally. Almost all banks at one moment almost stopped or limited their lending operations to customers. Many banks were uncertain about their own and other banks future liquidity.